Impact Pillar
Community Engagement
We strive to increase connectedness within our community, especially across differences by creating safe and affirming spaces where people from underrepresented groups can thrive and find community. We seek a deeper understanding of their experiences so that we may better support them.
Community Events
We host community events that honor and celebrate underrepresented cultures, people, and holidays focusing on equity and respect for all.
Mechanisms for BIPOC to be heard
Diverse Holliston has struggled to engage and retain membership of BIPOC. We are working to understand why this is and to create better mechanisms for connection with BIPOC.
Tell 5 people who tell 5 people
Networking and relationship building. A strategy for increasing diverse participation in Diverse Holliston wherein we each commit to inviting 5 people to upcoming events, and encourage those people to do the same. We are also the ones who follow up with attendees of the Community Labs to invite them to join a pillar or initiative of interest.
Ally Organizations
We maintain working relationships with Holliston Youth and Family Services (HYFS), Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition (HDAAC), Temple Beth Torah, the United Church of Christ, Interfaith Dialogue, and other ally organizations in and around our town and partner with them on events and other programming.
Inter-town summit
We engage the leadership from other towns at regular meetings so that we may learn from one another, partner in celebrations, and form coalitions to make policy changes across multiple municipalities.

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Initiative members
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Initiative Leads
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Get involved
There are many ways to get involved in Diverse Holliston activities. Everyone — from ad hoc volunteers to initiative members to board directors — plays a critical role in our work. Learn about the different levels of participation and find an opportunity that fits your schedule and your values.