Impact Pillar
Outreach and Communications
Diverse Holliston is working to spread the word in as many venues and to as many Hollistonians as possible about who we are, what we do, when and where to meet us, and how to get involved.
Barriers survey of DH members
Working to understand the barriers in our outreach, asking questions about who is not participating in DH and why, highlighting the gaps in our outreach and problem solving.
Curated news & blog posts
Writing content for our newsletter/website, passing this along to local news outlets such as HCAT, Holliston Reporter, places of worship, Holliston Dems newsletter, and HPS newsletters.
Outreach & Marketing materials
Developing digital and physical fliers or posts for our events and news, managing communications with Holliston news outlets such as HCAT, Holliston Reporter, places of worship, Holliston Dems newsletter, and HPS newsletters.
Making DH accessible to all
Considering accessibility barriers to our meetings, participation in our events, or in DH itself and working to solve them.
Writing content for the website, posting to the website, ensuring the website is functioning smoothly.
Social media
Posting on our social media sites, managing member requests, and removing posts that violate our site rules.

Mauris luctus, nisl nec molestie tempus, ante massa iaculis augue, a dapibus.

Initiative members
Mauris luctus, nisl nec molestie tempus, ante massa iaculis augue, a dapibus.

Initiative Leads
Mauris luctus, nisl nec molestie tempus, ante massa iaculis augue, a dapibus.
Get involved
There are many ways to get involved in Diverse Holliston activities. Everyone — from ad hoc volunteers to initiative members to board directors — plays a critical role in our work. Learn about the different levels of participation and find an opportunity that fits your schedule and your values.