The MetroWest Anti-Bullying Coalition is inviting adults to share stories of experiencing or observing identity or bias -based bullying as part of their initiative to address this problem. The sharing can be anonymous. You can do it by filling in an online form or you can offer to be interviewed.

The MetroWest Anti-Bullying Coalition (ABC) is a grassroots group, convened by SPARK Kindness, a local nonprofit focused on building a kind, resilient and welcoming community. The MetroWest ABC was formed to address and prevent bullying and will be meeting in April/May 2024 with a specific focus on “Bias Based Bullying.” 

Bias Based Bullying (or Identity Based Bullying) is defined as “any form of bullying related to characteristics considered part of a person’s identity or perceived identity group, such as race, religion, disability, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical appearance, etc.”  Bias Based Bullying  is particularly harmful, because it: 1) targets an individual’s core being/identity; and 2) harms individuals who “identify in the same way or worry that they might be the next target.” 

If you are interested in telling your story, please contact Lynn Canty and/or Christine Fortune Guthery or submit your story via this form.